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  • 联 系 人:陈婷婷
  • 联系电话:181****6422;
  • 联系地址:成都市成华区羊子山路68号东立国际广场4-1-2022号 [查看地图]
当前位置: 成都迪莱雅贸易有限责任公司 > 机构简介


  our company is a us company in sichuan province mico regional sales and service outlets,our company is mico us company in hainan province sales and service outlets,mico is a global provider of commercial cleaning products and cleaning solutions, with over 20 years service in the chinese market, as customers around the country to provide professional products and services.   我们完整的服务及销售体系分布国内各地,全面满足客户的需求,不断为客户提供高品质的产品及增值的服务。our complete service and sales distribution system throughout the country, fully meet customer demand, continue to provide customers with high quality products and value-added services             ※ 我们是  ● 清洁方案提供商cleaning solution provider  为客户提供切合实际的清洁方案!to provide customers with practical cleaning solutions  ● 清洁技术提供商cleaning technology 致力于让客户轻松快乐地获得所需的清洁技术!committed to allow customers to easily obtain the necessary happily clean technology  ● 清洁产品及服务提供商cleaning products and service providers  致力于创新,不断为提供超越客户期望值的好产品及服务!commitment to innovation, and constantly exceed customer expectations to provide good products and services